Essential Oils for Spring

Four Scents Team

What captures the essence of Vitality?

Our alchemist set out on a quest to discover the oils that best reflect a spirit of optimism, energy and a lightness…



Introduction to Melissa Essential Oil

Melissa is on our doorstep here in the U.K. and, as it turned out, the perfect starting point. This base note is a fantastic way to underpin a blend that shows a lighter side. Introduced by the Ancient Romans, this herb has been used in medicine for thousands of years. Also commonly known as Lemon Balm, this indeed has fresh, lemon-like notes with a sweet herbaceous undertone.


Calming Benefits of Melissa Essential Oil

This beautiful oil restores vitality by its main actions on the nervous system. The yield of the oil is extremely small, so it was tricky to source a pure oil. Fortunately, just a drop can help treat many symptoms of a nervous origin and mental fatigue.


Heart Health Benefits of Melissa Essential Oil

As a result, this has a calming effect on the heart. It helps in scenarios where overwork has weakened the heart and caused high blood pressure, and helps reduce palpitations and panic attacks.


Skincare Benefits of Melissa Essential Oils

Soothing inflammation, Melissa is helpful in skincare, cooling irritated skin, acne and minor wounds (particularly bee and wasp stings).


Holistic Benefits of Melissa Essential Oils

Melissa brings out the gentle side of vitality, encouraging expression of one’s complete personality in order to relax and live more fully.



Introduction to Bergamot Essential Oil

Italy was the next port of call, to seek out the more unusual member of the citrus family, Bergamot. This light and zesty top note that has long been famous in the perfumery industry, being the main constituent of eau de cologne. Its light green essence with a hint of spice is synonymous with the distinctive flavour of Earl Grey tea.


Calming Benefits of Bergamot Essential Oil

This cool and refreshing oil is a tonic for the nervous system. Unlike many other citrus oils, Bergamot is less stimulating, yet has an invigorating edge, making it a balancing fragrance that can uplift the senses, yet bring in calm when irritable and tense. As a result, this is helpful in treating tension headaches.


Skincare Benefits of Bergamot Essential Oil

It also works in treatment of the skin – its antimicrobial and deodorising properties are helpful in combatting troubled skin. Bergamot helps to balance sebum levels and unclog pores; it’s a natural cleanser.


Digestion Benefits of Bergamot Essential Oil

The digestive system can benefit from Bergamot too. It has properties that help to calm colic and indigestion, especially when massaged in a clockwise direction over the abdomen. With its gently uplifting, yet calming qualities, Bergamot captures the balancing side of vitality to soothe raw nerves yet restore a sense of positivity.


Introduction to Lime Essential Oil

The journey continued to the southern hemisphere, taking our alchemist to South Africa where the benefits of Lime were discovered. This vibrant member of the citrus family sat well with Bergamot to add as a top note, bringing in a sense of refreshing. Lime’s fresh, zingy qualities have long been a staple ingredient in cuisine, but it’s also a beneficial addition to the world of aromatherapy.


Digestion & Skincare Benefits of Lime Essential Oil

Lime has a stimulating action on the digestive system, as it’s well-known that the smell and taste of lime encourages the appetite. Its cleansing properties work well in abdominal massage to benefit treatment of congested liver conditions. A tonifying and astringent oil, Lime helps to treat oily skin and keep the skin firm. It’s well known as a natural antioxidant, helping to fight the free radicals that cause skin damage.


Immunity Benefits of Lime Essential Oil

Its antimicrobial qualities make Lime helpful in boosting immunity and treating colds and flu, specifically combatting congestion. In a massage blend for the chest, this can help soothe bronchitis and asthma.


Holistic Benefits of Lime Essential Oil

Lime’s cheerful, energising aroma captures the essence of vitality beautifully, bringing a crisp edge to our blend. Its cleansing fragrance instils a sense of refreshing confidence, as well as promoting mental clarity and focus.



Introduction of Vanilla Essential Oil

The next stop was to source a heart note and a base note to accompany Melissa – which saw our alchemist in Madagascar. Vanilla seemed fitting to ground our blend with its warm, sweet and comforting notes. The curious fact is that vanilla is not technically an essential oil, being made from the dried, fermented pods of the vanilla planifolia orchid. We’re familiar with vanilla as a flavouring, but its unique fragrance properties make it popular among perfumers too.


Calming Benefits of Vanilla Essential Oil

Vanilla is great for helping to boost the mood, encouraging the body to release dopamine and balance the hormones. It brings calm to the nervous system, and by extension has a mild sedative effect.


Skincare Benefits of Vanilla Essential Oil

A good source of B-vitamins, vanilla helps maintain healthy skin, and antioxidant properties protect it from environmental damage. Vanilla’s antimicrobial effects make it beneficial in treating blemish-prone skin too.


Holistic Benefits of Vanilla Essential Oil

In reducing negative emotions, Vanilla’s calming and strengthening tones encourage the more grounding side to vitality


Introduction to Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

There’s no better oil for the heart note than Ylang-Ylang, meaning ‘flower of flowers’. This exotic oil is renowned in perfumery for its intensely sweet, floral fragrance. Not much of this powerful oil is needed to add to our blend, but it harmoniously ties together the more grounding notes and the citrussy aromas.


Calming Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang-Ylang is most famous for its calming and sedative effect on the nervous system, encouraging a sense of relaxation and general wellbeing, but in an uplifting way. It helps soothe stress-related concerns and restores a sense of optimism.


Skin Care Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

It’s more than just a luxurious fragrance to add to skin care products – it has the unusual ability to benefit both oily and dry skin types, as it is useful in balancing the production of sebum (the skin’s natural oil). Ylang-Ylang helps to boost the regenerative process of the epidermis (the top layer of our skin).


Holistic Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

When overwhelmed with commitments, this beautiful oil helps you to relax and reprioritise. This melts away the tension and irritability, renewing a sense of vitality.



Introduction to Lemongrass Essential Oil

The last stage of the journey was in Bhutan, at the eastern end of the Himalayas. To bring the cool top and warmer lower notes together, the refreshing but warming aroma of Lemongrass was just right for our final top note. Another culinary herb, Lemongrass also boasts therapeutic qualities.


Toning Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil

Its tonifying properties are beneficial for slack tissue and poor muscle tone, making Lemongrass a great component for helping treat muscle strain or aching muscles in a post-sports blend.


Skincare Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil

These properties also work well in the treatment of skin, being used to help treat open or blocked pores as a deep cleanser for blemish-prone skin.


Holistic Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil

 As a culinary oil, it goes without saying that Lemongrass is great in helping to stimulate a sluggish digestive system.

This is also a great oil for when feeling taken for granted, giving you the assertiveness to free yourself from your restrictions.


Spring Vitality Essential Oil Blend

The successful quest brought together a blend that encourages a holistic approach to Vitality, not just lifting the spirits but refreshment for the skin and body.

This is just the finishing touch needed to complete the spring clean, with our Reed Diffusers, Candles and Room Mists to enhance the atmosphere with Vitality’s cleansing fragrance. Or there’s the option of a mood-boosting soak in our Himalayan Bath Salts. They help draw out toxins and excess fluid from the skin through the process of “reverse osmosis” – a deep cleanse for the body.


Wellbeing Duo Benefits

Teaming up our Essential Oil Blend with one of our base oils works for a skincare treat. With Jojoba Oil’s cleansing properties gently unclogging pores and removing impurities, 1 drop to 10ml Jojoba blended well makes an effective night time cleanser. Argan Oil is lightweight and reduces oiliness of the skin; the application of Argan encourages the skin to lessen production of sebum. Pairing 1 drop of the essential oil blend to 10ml with this could create a toning facial oil to treat oily or blemish-prone skin. Added to Rosehip Oil (1 drop to 10ml Rosehip), this could work as an uplifting massage blend. The skin will also benefit from Rosehip’s Essential regenerative and deeply hydrating properties. (Please note: Lime is photosensitive, so avoid sun exposure 12 hours after application – best used as a night time treatment)

Celebrate the season of refreshing and renewal with this beautiful blend and enjoy the wellness benefits it brings as we usher in the brighter, longer days.


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